Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hello World

I decided that if I just didn't think about it, deal with it, just have anything to do with it, IT wouldn't bother me.
I'm so tired of vulvodynia. Aren't we all?

I currently have zero support coming in here and I'm not seeing any doctors right, never. I called my gynecologist's office and they told me that they will "get back to me in a week or two". My doctor had to send a referral and I'm supposed to know about whether or not I can get in to see her again...for the second time in my life. I'm in a lot of pain and trying to pretend it's not there. But of course, I have to wait, and the way it works here I probably won't get in until October.

Anyway, I'm pretty miserable. I'm tired of just sitting around not having any answers. Not even having someone pretend that they want to find an answer.
And not having anyone to talk to. I want to talk to a person, on the phone or face to face. Just to hear a voice that understands..


  1. Hey, sorry you're feeling so down. Can you ask your doctor for pain meds in the meantime? I know they resist those sometimes, but it's worth a shot. Plus, they should get you in ASAP. You're in a serious situation. I'd harass them until they did something for me...make sure they know you're feeling desperate!

    Feel free to e-mail me at my Gmail address (madpeachblog) if you want to talk. Maybe we can chat online or trade phone numbers. I don't check that address all the time but I'll try to remember to get over there in the next couple days. I don't want you to suffer alone!

  2. Hello Natatlie,

    I'm so sorry to hear about the struggles you are facing. Just stay strong and keep getting at those doctors. I also wanted to let you know that Wellsphere's HealthBlogger Network has many people who are in a similar situation as you are. If you would like to share your experience and help others cope, I would encourage you to take a look at, and to consider applying ot join the HealthBlogger Network.

    If you need any assistance, please feel free to email me at hua [at] wellsphere [dot] com.

    Best regards,
    Director of Blogger Networks

  3. Natalie,

    I hope you get in with a good specialist ASAP!

    The comment from Hua above was upsetting to me (you'll see why in a minute). So, I also wanted to mention to beware of companies claiming to be helpful -- because they are not always what they appear! It is very disturbing to me that companies prey on people who are very sick and very vulnerable.


    P.S. I don't normally ever leave URL links in blog comments for fear of looking spammy but I am making an exception in this case because I am so sickened by what this post (see below) is about: I honestly can't believe that they are still at it.


  4. I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
    liver already present. I started on antiviral medications which
    reduced the viral load initially. After a couple of years the virus
    became resistant. I started on HEPATITIS B Herbal treatment from
    ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC ( in March, 2020. Their
    treatment totally reversed the virus. I did another blood test after
    the 6 months long treatment and tested negative to the virus. Amazing
    treatment! This treatment is a breakthrough for all HBV carriers.
