Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What the fuck?

How come I can get a CT in a month for my sinuses, but when it comes to my liver function I never hear back?

Health Update because life hasn't been giving me time to breathe:

I might have liver failure. Maybe. Or my gallbladder is forming invisible stones.

I saw the GI specialist, she did a scope down my throat, as far as I know they didn't find anything. I'm having another nuclear medicine test, this time on my liver and gallbladder. My liver enzymes are out of whack, and the pain below my ribcage is worse than ever. I also am going to have a doppler ultrasound. My deviated septum seems to have gotten worse and it inflicting pain on me during my days. My doctor is sending me to have a CT scan done, and then we decide if I need surgery or not.

My boyfriend and I are going through the hardest time of our lives. I can't even begin to explain it, but his addiction problem has gone through the roof. It's very difficult to deal with things in my life right now as I feel horrible all the time. I don't have any support from anyone directly in my life at this moment, other than one friend who just doesn't completely get it, but she tries and it helps a tiny bit.

As for my vulvodynia: that'll just have to wait a few...months or years or something. Because it's not a priority, and although I cry about it daily, no one really seems to understand my pain.

AND I got to wear a holter monitor, and I got a horrid rash that won't go away.


1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry you don't have much support during this difficult and scary time. Try not to make other people's problems your problems. You have too many as it is. I wish I could do more to help you than just post a comment.

    Hang in there. You and your doctors will figure out what's wrong.

