Sunday, April 5, 2009

Going Off The Pill

I decided last month that I would stop taking birth control (mainly because it was too expensive and my prescription ran out). So I had my period and all was well for...a day.
Here are the changes I have noticed since I went off the pill:

- EXTREME lower abdominal pain
- bowel movements have become even more painful than before
- my stomach looks like I am pregnant (I will take a picture if you don't believe me)
- my legs ache from my hips down to my knees
- I'm stiffer (which may just be the weather change, I'm not sure yet)
- I'm more tired than ever, but can't fall asleep
- nausea every time I eat
- craving cheese and ketchup together/grease/salt/sugar (which I am not normally a fan of)
- constantly stuffing my face
- gas pains
- headaches
- more frequent urination...and sometimes peeing in my pants a little bit before I make it to the washroom
- I'm WAY more emotional
- hot flashes
- Oh, and I gained ten pounds so none of my pants fit and I had to buy new ones...

Isn't that just dandy? So I've been trying to work out, but since I have muscle problems that's not always easy. And since I live in Canada and spring is starting the weather is really stupid, changing from -5 C to 15 C within 24 hours (For those of you who use Fahrenheit that is 23 F to 59 F). I keep having really bad hot flashes and feeling like I'm dying so it really hasn't worked out. Basically I've been sitting on my butt eating donuts and drinking lots of pop, that'll make me lose weight for sure.

I am so angry and I feel so disgusting that I don't know what to do with myself. Did I mention I have horrible gas? It's bad...I feel like a pregnant woman. Food cravings, gas and peeing myself when I laugh. Yay.

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